GET OFF YOUR PHONE! — BWG Lifestyle Club

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BWG Lifestyle Club



10 things to do instead of reaching for your mobile phone.

Almost everyone’s reaching for their mobile. Awkward lift ride? Phone. Boring conversation? Phone. Walking into a room and everyone’s staring? Phone! 

Our mobile phones have become a part of our life. They are like an extended organ of our body, for good and bad. There’s no denying that this dependence and to some extent, this addiction to our phones pose mental and physical health risks.

Do you know how damaging this tiny device can be? Studies show that instead of connecting people to one another, relationships have suffered more due to this technology. Performance and concentration at work and in school can be affected negatively. Artificial light coming from the devices hamper the quality of our sleep. And let’s not forget to mention, mobile phones are carriers of germs!

Know that there are easy, achievable ways to stop phone addiction on its tracks. The first and most important step is to accept that your phone has taken over your life. Admitting that you have a problem helps you recognize the underlying issues and makes you work towards changing all of it.

Here are 10 things to do instead of reaching for your mobile phone:

Download a productivity app or use built-in apps:

There's an app for that! New updates on mobiles inform us how often we’ve been looking at our screens and what apps we’re most opening. Are we learning new things on Ted or Duolingo or are we embarrassingly on social media a lot? Some apps block all calls for a certain amount of time, disable access to social media, and send “I’m busy” messages. 

Spend time with friends:

When you hang out with family and friends, keep your phone on silent and keep it inside your pocket or bag. Depending on the nature of your work, you can disconnect with your phone if you put it away for a while. Having a face to face interaction is a great reminder that there is life outside that tiny screen.

Live in the present:

Speaking of life outside that tiny screen, try to get back in touch with the present. Ground yourself with reality instead of likes and comments. Try some mindfulness exercises. Breath, smell, listen, or slowly taste and take in something. Allow your mind to appreciate your presence as you engage in the real world. 

Don’t take your phone to bed:

You’ve probably already read all those studies saying that bringing your phone to bed is a bad idea. One reason is the artificial light from your screen affects melatonin production. This is the hormone that helps give you sound sleep. So simply don’t. Leave it in a table away from your bed. If you’ve adjusted well enough, leave it outside your room. Create a more relaxing downtime (not mindlessly scrolling through your phone!).

Read a book:

There will be no idle time for you to reach for your phone if you are engrossed in something like reading a book. There are very few pleasures like the written word. Anything that you read today will significantly benefit you tomorrow. Bill Gates and Oprah read voraciously. Perhaps you should too!

Take a relaxing walk every day:

On your tiny screen, the world is reportedly crumbling into ashes. But if you take a walk, you’ll discover that it hasn’t. Breath some fresh air and give oxygen to your body. Your smartphone can stay at home for this one. 

Keep your phone out of sight:

“Out of sight, out of mind!” Inform friends and family that you’ll be having a day off your phone (so that they won’t worry you’re not picking up). Dedicate this time to do something you love. Or learn something new. Watch a foreign film, learn to cook something exotic or take up a dance class. 

Set an alarm:

If you can’t completely let go of your phone. Take a small step like setting an alarm or timer. Clock in 30 minutes and then leave your phone inside your purse or in another room. Train your self to do something else within those 30 minutes. Anything but reaching for your phone. 

Trade the high tech for old tech:

Sometimes the only way to stop an addiction is to cut off the source. Yes, I said it. When gadgets are simply too hard to put down, you might need to downgrade to a model that’s simple and no-nonsense. Go back to the basics and get yourself the tiny devices that only serve to call and text. 

Practice Gratitude:

Being on Social Media a lot makes you envious of what you do not have. Instead, sit down and think of 3 people or 10 things you are grateful for. 

Remember: You are what you do with your phone!  

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